Ohh my bad translate.. :( ..
::: http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/604789
I gave a short animation for my brother's birthday.
I gave it before tomorrow I will have time to get to the computer.
I see people here that I want to Newgrounds and remain here, I need to re send again to all parts of the collab Madness Corruption. Or cancel collab.
Issue collab will end in November maybe even earlier.
So what's new?
nothing so far. After completion of the collab, I'll start working on Madness Infected 2, and then Lucy Madness Part03. Then I could work on a new series of Madness: Razorstar. It would be a longer series than the Ryder Revenge. You will see very soon,..
Please Listening and download it.. :D ( The Affair (MD2012) ) I this upload soon from better quality.