Hello after a long time of all my fans. I want to tell you some good news and bad news two.
Good news:
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With the help of Lorianne M. Released official fan video for the song Battlefield. I am very surprised by its quality and is well processed. So I want to thank Lorianne for her work and you can watch video from this link below:
BattleField /Techvision (Official Fan VideoClip)
and mp3 listen and download here..:
Here on Newgrounds..
2 report.
Time to Madness Part02 is coming to an end and you can enjoy as it goes on and on which option you vote.
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After Time to Madness Part02 want to work on a large project for Madness Day. So that means that all pause and start working hard on it.
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Did you know that this year, in December it will be five years since I started working on the first part of the Ryder Revenge? I can not believe it myself, but it's true.
Bad news:
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I'm sorry, but unfortunately interested in collab is so low that I decided to quit, but do not worry those who have done some videos will be used in alternative action Hard to Kill 2. You will see on my birthday June 7, 2013.
What is Hard to kill?:
The first part you can see in my intro collab corruption ( http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/609299 ), the second part will build on the moment when the mother son turned off the television. A sequel will during your videos for corruption collab 2 which I canceled, unfortunately. Who sent the video, I'll write soon just below this article.
2 report.
I am shocked and upset, I can not seem to work, Madness Infected second I'm sorry, but as I was about 2 times the animation came, so the third time I have no desire to work. For fans of issued only what I now completed. I'm sorry.