CZ write..:!!
Ahoj lidi, shanim cesky nebo slovensky /Madness Combat/ animatory do mojeho collabu.
Ano je fakt. Collab existuje a byl vydany a dnes jsem se rozhodl pro znovu zorganizovani a z remakovani.
Momentalni Zajemci:
Ja //Djjaner
Pochazet z Ceske nebo Slovenske Republiky (Nemam zajem o lidi z jinych statu, Tohle je collab specialne jen pro CZ a SK)
Umet animovat Madness
A dodrzet standartni podminky a klidne pouzit i pornografickou scenu nebo vtipne momenty.
Standartni podminky a tim mam na mysli (30fps,Kamera,Pozadí je jedno jak je barevné)
Shanim dalsi ceskou nebo slovenskou animatorskou posilu. Pridej se! ;-)
ENG write..:
Hey guys, I'm looking Czech or Slovak / Madness Combat / animator into my collab.
Yes it is a fact. Collab exists and was released and today I decided to remake and re-organized.
In the moment of candidates:
I do // Djjaner
Staying from the Czech or Slovak Republic (not interested in people from other countries, this is a collab specifically just for CZ and SK)
Ability to animate Madness
A that you follow standart conditions and safely use and pornography or funny moments.
Standard conditions and by that I mean (30fps camera, the background is one as color)
Looking for other Czech or Slovak animators. Join Now! ;-)