Recently I have little time to animate so my progress is low. The reason is that I often work during the week and on Saturdays I have to work compulsorily and when I have time so I dedicate to family, friends and real fun. I think that Madness Day 2017 is the last for me, I have a lot of active projects but I can't find the time, error is also in the motivation which I again lost due to the inoperative MadCzech (I'm Sorry you JohnyPixel, but it's the truth).
Truth is that most members do not work frequency, only once,twice per a month, which is little, they promised me progress after the period of the summer holidays and as I'm watching this is much worse (Mostly active JohnyPixel). Therefore, my motivation is zero and I'm tired of animate just for myself. MadCzech is near the end. I came back for the Czech community if ends up JohnyPixel, I'm quit also.
If you really MadCzech is over, I'll do these changes:
Aborting Ryder Revenge Unlimited series (time-unacceptable and impossible),
Time to Madness Part05,06 (will be completed),
Alone in the Madness Part03 (will be completed),
The Black Sun/Scarax Lair (will be completed, part of the TTM series),
Can't Escape the Madness Part02,03 (will be completed, part of the TTM series).
... Ryder Revenge Forever 2 .. the creepy real end comes.