Ryder Revenge Collab
Organiser : @Djjaner
Conditions :
The action scenes, the most rapid and aggressive.
Only work with Ryder Revenge sprites. (Download here)
Try make own backgrounds than using with package.
I have no interest in tests. !!
Try to make interesting and original clips.
Porn and insulting clips will not be accepted!
30 - 33fps
Minimum 150frames for clip
Max 4clips or one long (1000-1500 frames) / one member
I prefer finished clips for collab more in MP4 files than SWF (Download and use this soft Swivel - SWF to MP4)
NO TESTS!!! Thanks.
How to join?:
Send me a message (PM) with your test.
Members :
@Lubos (* RR allstar *)
@Johnypixel (* MadCzech allstar *)
Remember!!: Only work with Ryder Revenge sprites. (Download here)
Updated sprites: (Download here) (Only CS5.5)
Deadline : Madness Day 2017 (or later...)