RRpart09, makes it pretty quickly, it could make it to go to the end of this month. If you do not make it, so it will deliver over the next month when we get to the Internet.
Madness Infected 2 am generally restored in terms of sprites and make a start on it until after the next upcoming project, which begins after RRpart09.
RRpart09 soundtrack, and enough Sunshaft ( Sunshafts Page ) makes me happy.
Alone in the Madness, I say how far the stop, but after long consideration, at the end of the finish, so I gave it with the MI2 Madness Day 2011th
Otherwise, I'm disappointed, as I heard a report on the completion of an animator, Coft ( Cofts Page ) and that gave way to the public of those Mad-N II.
And he ended FlorianKiller ( FlorianKillers Page ) too long, therefore not animated, but unfortunately does not have time to devote to it and so ended and did not know the NG.
And again, on the other hand, makes the Czmadness ( CZmadness Page ) enough good games, which all recommend watching it long enough it will be well done, shooter.
Madness Czechstination III, who wants to enter it, and Czech or Slovak origin can.
Currently there are:
TheBots (do not know exactly)
Zfjjk (do not know exactly)
Just Madness
Classical killing, so no vulgarity and no porn.
5 seconds is the minimum length for the part
Up to 30 seconds.
Maximum, you can add 5 parts.
Background (Black)
The issue will be together until at least 20 parts.
And as for Madness Combat 10:
This is what I'm looking forward to the finals, who do you think will win? Auditor or Hank and Sanford, or there appears Savior or Tricky?
We'll see ..