Informative why I have 2 accounts:
@Djjaner - Madness Animations and stuff (Music only cheshyre techno genre) "Continues for fans and my friends"
@C0rtax - Music (Dnb,Dubstep and more) and Games (via Game Maker) "My future..."
Together with @JohnyPixel and @ScorpionCZ we established a new community Czech animators (MadCzech)
Planned collabs:
Secret collab which hosting @Johnypixel
MadCzech test collab (I make 2 unique clips ,70kill part and end funny bonus clip "Cooking with Djjaner")
Planned projects for MadCzech:
Alone in the Madness Part02
Can't escape the Madness 2 (with @Jsoull)
and more secret stuff..
@C0rtax Today released a fully functional game that was created in HTML5 which to me is a big success (Short Game /4hours work ) , Diora Update v0.2 will be released soon, once I create new maps. Tomorrow or later I will release my Idle mine game that includes English and Czech translation. Stay tuned!