Hmm.. This is Begginer Collab ,nothing extra...
Sry Guys, .. Training , training and training...
Hmm.. This is Begginer Collab ,nothing extra...
Sry Guys, .. Training , training and training...
Oh great.. :)
Cool. No crap!!! You are Legend animator.. ;-)
oh dont be so exagerated
Im Sorry.
CZ Write: Animace byla vazne moc dobra a moc se mi libila.. Jsi lepsi nez ja ;-).. This is very good (Pribeh je ale horsi a s koncem kterej sem ocekaval mnohem lepsi)
u tohohle jsem na pribeh sral protoze jsem uz mel v planu remake kde dam poradnej pribeh taky jsem to ukoncil jinak nez jsem chtel a zkratil sceny nez jsem chtel, takze uvidim jeste, musim se poradne procvicit v novym stylu
thanks for review
Death Project.
Sorry Spurgle.
Cool.. :D
It's good. Best had Ellvis and others it was not bad.
Good Work.
Super Preview MS6.
It's getting better, and action in the animation is even better. I look forward to the full movie. 10/10 Nice work Gabriel.
thanks man, i apreciate it
Pretty good and was able to animate it on more :-P
Yeah you DIMB You roll your self! can do wonders with the Delawares.
Really great action! Full video here is greatly amused.
hey thanks a lot dj-janer c:
The animation is really excellent.
And I think it definitely deserves it: 10+/10
CZ: Docela dobré jen m%u011B udivuje %u017Ee jsi zase zapnul flash :D..
ENG: Pretty good just amazes me that you have turned again macromedia flash :D
Ryder Revenge: The Prophet (Last cartoon)... in progress
Age 33, Male
In the HELL...
Czech Republic
Joined on 9/22/08