Hello peoples on Newgrounds.
I love that so many people like my Madness Infected I Re, and if someone did not like the tests with animation animator Gujit so it does not matter, it is mostly about what old projects, so I added my animation to gujits animations. Otherwise, you going for a new animation series Rescue Ryder-Project Suntride. There have been few but th next month I might give the first part. Otherwise, I made a new album, Dubstep and Drum & Bass. I have it on Youtube to see the contents of the album here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gGAbUz6wNmM
and Buy my music here: http://www.mymusicsite.com/Djjaner
This is all.. Folks. :3
a famous ?'s is when are you gonna be done with a animation