Are you looking for a musician for your movie, game or anything else that makes sense (Geomtery Dash, FNF, etc...)
so write me a PM and also send me what it is specifically about (Screenshots,demo...),
if I like it then I help you.
Created scene for this collab, planned for MD2022 but released earlier.
I've started working on a short movie in collaboration with Gamm3r_66 that will be released at MD2022 if not so maybe later, I can't share the details yet, but it should be graphically identical to Take out the Mates, CUIZO started creating soundtrack for this movie, so stay tuned.
Hey, it's cool that you're taking free commissions and all. Just make sure you're not taken advantage of, friend. Working for exposure is usually a scam and unless you hit gold, it will be mostly a waste of your time. Stay safe out there and good luck with your future commissions.