I didn't like him so much but a death is still sad
My most sincere condolences to DjGoldwings family, you and his friends
Ryder Revenge: The Prophet (Last cartoon)... in progress
Age 33, Male
In the HELL...
Czech Republic
Joined on 9/22/08
I didn't like him so much but a death is still sad
My most sincere condolences to DjGoldwings family, you and his friends
Thanks a lot.
man sorry, it must be hard. rest in peace DjGoldwings. my condolences to the family and friends, and you. God save a special spot for him. your friend will be with you for ever.
thank you man.. :(
Wow, I know we all can die in a minute but, seriously that was... wow Idk how to explain, it's like I kind of expected something would happen to him but not something THAT heavy.
Like madnesia, I didn't liked what he did with Ellvis and some other things but, still, it's very sad, it's a way without return.
My condolences.
Thank you.
R.I.P DJ Goldwing...
A ty se drž.
díky kámo, bude to hodně těžký :( byl to nejlepší kámoš.
My condolences...
RIP DjGoldwing
My deepest condolences... R.I.P. DjGoldwing
I dont know DjGoldwing too much but rest in peace :'(
R.I.P forever,but he are in Heaven,because he are a good man look like you.
And sorry for me.
To snad ne.
Jako sice jsem ho moc nějak extrémně neznal ale je to velká škoda. :(
drž se Honzo!! :/
oh god... thats horrible ;( my condolences dud.
OMG... thats really sad...
Carry on Jane :'(
Prostě to nějak vydrž
I may have not known him and I may not know how powerful your loss is. But I am here if you need any help. My deepest condolences Janner.
Sorry to hear, man :(
My condolences.
Tak to je zlý, podle toho co jsem o něm slyšel, tak to bude hodně velký škoda :(
Notak doufám, že se tam nahoře sejdeme všichni a zatím tam na nás počká.
Úpřímnou soustrast Djjanery, drž se a RIP in Peace Goldwing !
Rest in peace Goldwing.
Sice jsme se nemeli moc v lasce, ale tohle bych nepral nikomu, aneb jezdit venku v tehle srackach je fakt o hubu. Odpocivej v pokoji Goldwingu. ty tvoje hejty mi budou chybet.
Condolences bro :(
I will be honest i don't really know DjGoldwing but i'm sure he was someone very important for you.
Something will be missing. I know how you feel , I'm sure he's watching you in heaven.
Good luck Djjaner.
Rest in Peace DjGoldWing.
Oh, sorry so much for that, i know what you feel.
It will be hard to deal with it, a friend who met here every day, walked with him for a beer, I'll never see.